World Environment Day 2022

In 2022 World Environment Day focuses on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”.  Virtual Excursions Australia sponsored by AWS InCommunities have a program of free virtual events for students across Australia to help them connect with nature.

Celebrate World Environment Day with us.

Time TitleDurationYear
9.15am Nature Break30 mins K – 6
10am Features of Living Things40 minsK – 4
11.30amSustainability starts with You40 minsK – 6
12.30pmAmazing Animals Adaptations!40 mins 2 – 6
1.30pmLunchtime Trivia30 mins5 – 8
2.15pmPlants for Life40 mins2 – 8

You can make a difference today with every choice you make.

There are many ways that you can help to conserve Australia’s environment and be more sustainable. Think about the choices you make every day; how do you get to school, what do you put in the bin, how long was your shower today, did you remember the reusable bag for the shopping? 

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is committed to making a positive difference around the world. Whether it’s using technology to solve the world’s most pressing issues, or through our employees donating their time to support causes they care about, AWS is dedicated to building a world where every person has the opportunity to live a life of dignity on a healthy planet.

To make a positive impact, specifically in the regions where we build and operate our global infrastructure, we established a program called AWS InCommunities. AWS InCommunities launches long-term, innovative programs that will have a lasting impact in our regions around the world where we work, live, and raise our families. AWS InCommunities is obsessed with being good neighbors, and we start with the community and work backwards to represent infrastructure communities inside AWS.”

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