Virtual Excursions with Sydney Jewish Museum

The Sydney Jewish Museum is Virtual Excursions Australia’s newest content provider. The Sydney Jewish Museum is an institution that gives history a voice through collecting and preserving historic objects, commemorating and educating, with a mission to challenge visitors’ perceptions of morality, social justice, democracy and human rights. 

History LIVE: Behind the scenes with a curator

Have you ever wondered about all the different artefacts in a museum? Did you know that not all of them are on display at the same time? Behind the scenes, many more artefacts are waiting to tell their stories.

Wednesday 17 November at 2 – 3pm


Stage 3 & 4 school students

Discovering Chanukah for Primary Students

Ever wondered about the Jewish festival of Chanukah? What do the candles represent and what is a dreidel? Candles, dreidels and even fried foods are all important parts of the Jewish festival of lights, Chanukah! This year Chanukah, which is celebrated over 8 nights, will begin in late November.

Thursday 25 November at 2pm


History – Stage 1 & 2: Community and Remembrance

Digital program and online resources

Sydney Jewish Museum has a range of program to engage your students virtually in an interactive workshop. Benefit from the expertise and experience of our team of educators to create an engaging, thought-provoking experience for your students.

Find out more about these programs

Online resources

The Sydney Jewish Museum offers free curriculum-linked teaching resources underpinned by rigorous research and expert subject knowledge. Discover a range of lesson plans, videos, worksheets and activities available for you to download and incorporate into your classroom.

Many of our resources offer a sneak peak behind the scenes of the Museum to discover a range of case studies, videos, objects and images that will help you bring history to life for your students.

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