Conference – reVEAl 2015

We are pleased to announce the Virtual Excursions Australia conference reVEAl on Tuesday 8 December. reVEAl will be FREE to all presenters and delegates.

VIC VEA group edit

ACMI in Victoria and the Australian Museum in NSW will be hosting the reVEAl. We will have presenters and delegates in each venue connected with via video conference. People can also dial into a single session or the whole conference.

The day is being designed to be fun, interactive and to provide networking opportunities for both teachers and content providers. There will be a variety of short sessions to provide something for everyone.

Content Provider Stream

9:15am – 9:30am          Arrival & registration
9:30am – 9:45am          reVEAl welcome
9:45am – 10:00am        Value of video conferencing for cultural institutions
10:00am –  10.15am    Techniques in presenting to camera
10:15am – 10:45am     Tech talk

Morning Tea

11:30am – 11:45am     How to help schools get comfortable with their equipment
11:45am – 12:15pm     Content provider experiences (the good, bad & ugly)
12:15pm – 12:30pm     Future directions all in discussion for content providers


School Showcase

2:00pm – 2:15pm        reVEAl welcome
2:15pm – 2:30pm        The value of video conferencing for schools
2:30pm – 2:45pm        Key Learning Area Experiences: STEM
2:45pm – 3:00pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  Arts & Culture

Afternoon Tea

4:00pm – 4:15pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  History
4:15pm – 4:30pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  Sports & more
4:30pm – 4:40pm        Booking platforms in Australia
4:40pm – 5:00pm        Worldview
5:00pm – 5:30pm        Networking




ITEC 2014 Call for Papers

Interactive Technology in Education Conference Call for Paper

ITEC 2014 is fast approaching and an exciting program of international and national keynote speakers and a range of other presentations is currently being developed. The programming committee is currently calling for submissions to present in a number of different strands.

ITEC 2014
Papers may be submitted in a number of strands:

Strand 1 (Wednesday 9 July)

Industry Professionals, Interactive Technology Experts, and/or Innovators in Content or Program Design and Delivery – this is your chance to share your valuable experience and insight. We particularly encourage papers which deal with innovation, experimentation, new uses for technology and are forward-thinking in their approach; with real case studies and real solutions used as examples.

Strand 2 (Thursday 10 July)
Teachers, Education Providers or Practitioners, Policy Makers, Academics, Research and Training Organisations are encouraged to make submissions for this strand. Papers could focus on: case studies demonstrating of exciting digital educational projects; innovative uses for technology in educational practice; benefits of using technology for education; evaluation and research; policy decisions and developments affecting digital education.

Showcase Sessions (Thursday 10 July)
Schools engaging with interactive, real time education partnerships (i.e cultural/ language exchanges, cross school projects, virtual delivery of lessons) and providers of interactive, real-time educational programs from cultural institutions, museums, science organisations and libraries are encouraged to submit a proposal to be part of a ‘Showcase’ session. Successful submissions will be offered 7-minutes to showcase their programs. Presentations are encouraged to feature live, interactive demonstrations and/or utilise AV to fully demonstrate the programs in a short space of time.

See the 2013 conference video for paper ideas.

Paper submissions close 7 April 2014 and all papers must be submitted electronically using the Conference’s Online Submission System.

For more information see the full ITEC 2014 site

ITEC 2013 program

ITEC 2013 features national and international educators, innovators, researchers and industry leaders in the field of interactive and real-time technologies and techniques. Presentations focus on technologies and programs that facilitate the delivery of rich content and the sharing of expertise and experiences across the network and directly into places of learning.

Keynote Speakers include:

Dr Kate Cornick

Kate Cornick is the General Manager, Health and Education at NBN Co, the company rolling out the National Broadband Network. In this role Kate is working with the health and education sectors to drive adoption of broadband applications and services that will result in improved services to consumers. From 2009-2012, Kate was the inaugural Executive Director of the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES) – an interdisciplinary research institute established at the University of Melbourne focused on broadband applications, including in health and education.


Graham Smith

Graham Smith has been inventing and exploring new forms of telepresence, robotic, virtual reality and media technologies since the early 1980’s as both a university researcher, entrepreneur and artist. From 1992 to 1996 he directed the VRAAP program (Virtual Reality Artist Access Program) at the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto which explored the effects virtual technologies may have on society.


Anita Kocsis

Anita Kocsis is Head of Design, Society and Culture in the Faculty of Design and Co Director of the Design Factory at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Anita’s creative, commercial and academic achievement spans a design and technology nexus evidenced by intermedia exhibitions and launches in commercial and public Institutions. Anita’s articulation across research and teaching focuses on how design can facilitate the multilateral process of meaning construction that unfolds between industry, content providers, design & audiences.


Aaron E. Walsh 

Aaron E. Walsh is Director of the Immersive Education Initiative, a non-profit international consortium of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that work together to define and develop open standards, best practices, platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based learning and training systems. In 2007 he was named one of the forty most innovative people in the Information Technology (IT) industry by Computerworld, the premier source of news and analysis for the IT industry.


This conference will be of interest to:

  • Content Providers, Museums, Galleries, Libraries and Cultural Institutions.
  • Schools, Teachers, and Classroom Practitioners.
  • Higher Education.
  • Government or Enterprise Business.

See the full ITEC 2013 program