It is time to start planning for SciFest and National Science Week. The SciFest video conferencing festival is in August and provides a great link to National Science Week. Now in it’s third year SciFest is a great opportunity to engage your students in a variety of science workshops and events.

Tuesday 2 August
Time: 09:30
Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students
Time: 10:30
Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students
Thursday 4 August
SciFest: Lego Robotics – An Introduction
Time: 09:30
This engaging workshop offers students a chance to learn real time programming in a fun atmosphere. Using laptops and the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots, students are asked to complete a variety tasks whilst learning about basic programming.
SciFest: Lego Robotics – An Introduction
Time: 11:30
This engaging workshop offers students a chance to learn real time programming in a fun atmosphere. Using laptops and the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots, students are asked to complete a variety tasks whilst learning about basic programming.
Time: 12:00
The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle.
04 Aug
Time: 13:00
The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle.
SciFest: Lego Robotics – An Introduction
Time: 14:00
This engaging workshop offers students a chance to learn real time programming in a fun atmosphere. Using laptops and the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots, students are asked to complete a variety tasks whilst learning about basic programming.
Monday 8 August
Time: 11:30
What do sound waves look like? Do soundwaves always travel at the same speed? How does the Doppler effect work? What is resonance? How does a soundwave change with pitch and increasing volume?
Time: 14:00
Explore chemistry in colourful art creations you can make in your class! Your class participates in a number of activities as a series of group activities run in class during the video conference.
08 Aug
Time: 09:30
What do sound waves look like? Do soundwaves always travel at the same speed? How does the Doppler effect work? What is resonance? How does a soundwave change with pitch and increasing volume?
Time: 11:00
Is there life on other planets? The Earth is in the “Goldilocks Zone”. Like Goldilocks tasting baby bear’s porridge, humans live on a planet that is not too hot and not too cold – it is just right!
Monday 15 August
SciFest: Explore electricity and magnetism
Time: 09:30
What is the difference between series & parallel circuits? What does the Earth’s magnetic field look like? What technologies are being developed for the future? How is electricity generated anyway?
SciFest: Explore electricity and magnetism
Time: 11:30
What is the difference between series & parallel circuits? What does the Earth’s magnetic field look like? What technologies are being developed for the future? How is electricity generated anyway?
SciFest: Liquid Nitrogen – Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
Time: 14:00
Find out how solids, liquids and gases change when rapidly heated and cooled.Smash a squash ball! Shrink a balloon instantly! What happens to living things if they are frozen? How can Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion explain a liquid nitrogen sprinkler?
SciFest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30
Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound. During this session you will run a number of simple experiments in your location. Schedule this as part of your staff meeting!
Tuesday 16 August
Time: 10:00
Students will learn how scientists devise experiments and develop their skills in applying the processes of working scientifically as they plan a fair investigation into the factors which influence seed germination.
Time: 11:30
Students will learn how scientists devise experiments and develop their skills in applying the processes of working scientifically as they plan a fair investigation into the factors which influence seed germination.
Time: 13:00
Students will learn how scientists devise experiments and develop their skills in applying the processes of working scientifically as they plan a fair investigation into the factors which influence seed germination.
Time: 14:00
Students will learn how scientists devise experiments and develop their skills in applying the processes of working scientifically as they plan a fair investigation into the factors which influence seed germination.
Thursday 18 Aug
From Letters to Life – How DNA technologies are changing our lives – SciFest
Time: 09:30
Join Dr Ellen Jorgensen renowned New York TED speaker as she talks about Genspace, a not for profit community laboratory dedicated to promoting citizen science and access to biotechnology.
Monday 22 August
SciFest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30
Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound. During this session you will run a number of simple experiments in your location. Schedule this as part of your staff meeting!
22 Aug
SciFest: Creative chemistry workshop
Time: 10:00
Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to students including kitchen chemistry, physical changes vs. chemical reaction, acids vs bases and indicators, acid rain – properties of solids, liquids and gases and energy changes.
SciFest: Creative chemistry workshop
Time: 11:30
Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to students including kitchen chemistry, physical changes vs. chemical reaction, acids vs bases and indicators, acid rain – properties of solids, liquids and gases and energy changes.
SciFest: Creative chemistry workshop
Time: 14:00
Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to students including kitchen chemistry, physical changes vs. chemical reaction, acids vs bases and indicators, acid rain – properties of solids, liquids and gases and energy changes.
Tuesday 23 August
SciFest: Light & Colour Science
Time: 10:00
Students learn about properties of light in this fun interactive workshop- Investigate rainbows using the visible light spectrum, plus learn about colour addition and subtraction .
SciFest: The Big Bang – How to make a universe
Time: 11:00
This session will be presented from the Australian Museum Science Festival with schools attending live and via video conference. Join a CAASTRO astrophysicist as they share their enthusiasm for astrophysicist
SciFest: Light & Colour Science
Time: 11:30
Students learn about properties of light in this fun interactive workshop- Investigate rainbows using the visible light spectrum, plus learn about colour addition and subtraction .
Time: 13:00
Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students
SciFest – Museum Secretes Revealed
Time: 14:00
This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.
SciFest: 4 Slimes in 30 minutes – Kitchen Chemistry fun!
Time: 14:00
4 slimes in 30 minutes…. how could you go wrong?!?Join Fizzics Education for SciFest as we dive into kitchen chemistry in this fun yet educational workshop.
Wednesday 24 August
SciFest: Human Body – Look at the major body systems and senses
Time: 10:00
Students look at major body systems and how the five senses work in this engaging workshop! Where is heat in your body conserved? How do the lungs work?
SciFest: Human Body – Look at the major body systems and senses
Time: 11:30
Students look at major body systems and how the five senses work in this engaging workshop! Where is heat in your body conserved? How do the lungs work?
Time: 13:00
Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students
SciFest – Museum Secretes Revealed
Time: 14:00
This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.
SciFest: Melting Moments: All about hot & cold
Time: 14:00
Your classroom heats up as we explore how heat is propagated through a variety of materials plus how we harness heat for our own use;- Investigate heat conductivity in a variety of materials.
SciFest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30
Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound. During this session you will run a number of simple experiments in your location. Schedule this as part of your staff meeting!
Thursday 25 August
Time: 13:00
Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students
SciFest – Museum Secretes Revealed
Time: 14:00
This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.
Monday 29 August
Time: 10:00
What is air pressure? Why are low and high pressure areas important? How are clouds formed? What is our atmosphere made of anyway ? Students will gain an appreciation of meteorology and gain insight into how our climate operates.
Time: 14:00
Explore chemistry in colourful art creations you can make in your class! Your class participates in a number of activities as a series of group activities run in class during the video conference.
SciFest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30
Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound. During this session you will run a number of simple experiments in your location. Schedule this as part of your staff meeting!
Tuesday 30 August
Time: 09:30
Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.
Time: 10:30
Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.
SciFest: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00
A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and m…
Wednesday 31 August
Time: 10:00
We will investigate various renewable energy sources and compare them against non-renewable energy sources. A focus will be placed upon how a generator actually works and how this is applied in coal power stations, wind farms, hydro electric dams, tidal generators
Time: 11:30
We will investigate various renewable energy sources and compare them against non-renewable energy sources. A focus will be placed upon how a generator actually works and how this is applied in coal power stations, wind farms, hydro electric dams, tidal generators
Time: 14:00
We will investigate various renewable energy sources and compare them against non-renewable energy sources. A focus will be placed upon how a generator actually works and how this is applied in coal power stations, wind farms, hydro electric dams, tidal generators
SciFest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30
Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound. During this session you will run a number of simple experiments in your location. Schedule this as part of your staff meeting!