Why Study Physics?

If you missed our live streaming event, you can view the recording here.

Why Study Physics? – A careers talk and Q&A presented by Dr Vanessa Moss

Are you ready to explore the secrets of the universe? Exploring the universe is one of the most amazing things we can do and astrophysicist Dr Vanessa Moss does it every day. Studying physics will allow you to see the world with a different perspective, to have insight into how things work, and to be curious about making new discoveries. Join Dr Moss as she shares her journey through her own career and describes the work of some of her peers who followed different career paths in physics.

Australian National Maritime Museum Events

The Australian National Maritime Museum offers a great range of video and web conferences for schools throughout the year. They are starting the year with 2 events the Women in Science Symposium and Frank Hurley – the Man Who Made History.

Women in Science Symposium at the Australian National Maritime Museum

Tuesday 8 March at 10am

For international Women’s Day the Australian National Maritime Museum, in partnership with the University of New South Wales is hosting a Women in Science Symposium. The aim is to encourage high school girls to look beyond the lab coats and to see the possibilities for careers in science.

Chaired by Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla, UNSW, the morning session will have a range of speakers from diverse areas including marine science, climate, ecology and innovation.
A live web stream of the presentation is being offered.

Please register through eventbrite

Image Credit - Maja Baska 2014
Image Credit – Maja Baska 2014

Frank Hurley – The Man Who Made History

Thursday 17 March at 1pm

The Australian National Maritime Museum is delighted to present a special program for students studying the Frank Hurley documentary as a prescribed text for the Discovery Area of Study.

Meet the film makers Simon Nasht and Anna Cater to hear how they approached dealing with the subject matter, constructing the story and making the film. The talk will be followed by a Q & A where students will have the chance to ask Simon and Anna questions about their film and learn about the available HSC study resources.

Registration through DART Connection

2016 Events

We had a big year of events 2015 with Virtual Excursions Australia delivering hundreds of session reaching 10’s of thousands of students across Australia and the world. We finished up the year with the reVEAl conference in December bringing 120 delegate together.

reVEAL had delegates join at the Australian Museum in Sydney, the Australian Centre of Moving Image in Melbourne and though the live web stream. The full day program had a variety of sessions for content providers and teachers.

ALIVE exhibition documentation

In 2016 Virtual Excursions Australia will host a variety of event including:

  • Harmony Day in March
  • World Environment Day 5 June
  • NAIDOC week 27 June – 1 July
  • SciFest throughout August
  • Threatened Species Day 7 September
  • Sea Week September
  • Earth Science Week October
  • ClickFest November

With 20 member organisations there is plenty of variety to suit every curriculum area and engage your students.  See the DART Connections or CONNECTme calendars for sessions and bookings. Please let us know if there are other topic are you would like us to be involved with.


reVEAl 2015 recording

Virtual Excursions Australia conference reVEAl 2015  was on Tuesday 8 December. The event was been designed to be fun, interactive and to provide networking opportunities for both teachers and content providers. We had a variety of short sessions to provide something for everyone.

The full unedited recording is linked below and the list of sessions are listed. We will also edit the recording into individual sessions in early 2016.


9:45 – 10:00am        Value of video conferencing for cultural institutions
10:00 – 10.15am        Techniques in presenting to camera
10:15 – 10:45am        Tech talk – web conferencing platforms

11:30 – 11:45am         How to help schools get comfortable with their equipment
11:45 – 12:15pm         Content provider experiences (the good, bad & ugly)
12:15 – 12:30pm        Future directions all in discussion for content providers

2:15 – 2:30pm          The value of video conferencing for schools
2:30 – 2:45pm         Key Learning Area Experiences: STEM
2:45 – 3:00pm         Key Learning Area Experiences:  Arts & Culture

4:00 – 4:15pm          Key Learning Area Experiences:  History
4:15 – 4:30pm          Key Learning Area Experiences:  Sports & more
4:30 – 4:40pm         Booking platforms in Australia
4:40 – 5:00pm         Worldview

Twitter:   twitter.com/VCExcursions

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/VirtualExcursionAustralia



CAASTRO in the Classroom

‘CAASTRO in the Classroom’, an initiative of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO), is an outreach program designed to engage Australian school students and teachers with research scientists. CAASTRO’s astrophysicists take their enthusiasm for exciting new astronomy research into classrooms via video conferencing to inspire students about science and technology.

During Term 4 CAASTRO in the Classroom is offering some great video conferences

Tuesday 13 October

Space – Curriculum Revision

10:30 to 11.15am

Presenter: Eromanga Adermann, PhD Student

Audience: Senior Secondary Physics

Join us for a curriculum-focused revision lecture—covering key topics from the HSC Physics Syllabus Module “Space”. Pre-work will be provided in advance and you are encouraged to prepare questions to ask at the end of the talk. The talk will focus on the following dot point from the New South Wales Stage 6 Physics syllabus: “Many factors have to be taken into account to achieve a successful rocket launch, maintain a stable orbit and return to Earth.”

Eromanga Adermann is a second year PhD student at the University of Sydney. Her research aims to answer two of the biggest question in physics: “What is dark matter?” and “What is dark energy?”

Tuesday 27 October

Special Relativity – Curriculum Revision

2:00 to 2:45pm

Presenter: Joe Callingham, PhD Student

Audience: Senior Secondary Physics

Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity is a pillar of modern physics and accurately describes objects moving near to the speed of light. While mathematically elegant, Special Relativity explains situations that are extremely counterintuitive to our interpretation of the world we experience. This talk will include several examples of time dilation and length contraction. Pre-work will be provided in advance and you are encouraged to prepare questions to ask at the end of the talk.

Joe Callingham has a degree in Physics and is an Astronomy PhD student at the University of Sydney. He is a CAASTRO in the Classroom veteran, having given the highly popular ‘Special Relativity’ lecture three times in the past. Not to be missed!

Tuesday 10 November

The Big Bang – How to make a universe

2:00 to 2:40 pm

Presenter: Professor Tamara Davis

Audience: Year 10 Science

Join a CAASTRO astrophysicist as she shares her enthusiasm for new astronomy research and makes connections between current research and the Australian Curriculum content for Year 10 (Stage 5) Science. The session will cover Science as a Human Endeavour content and the following Science Understanding content: The Big Bang Theory, the age of the universe, and the formation of galaxies and stars.

Professor Tamara Davis is an award-winning astrophysicist based at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. She spends most of her time trying to figure out why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, and thus figure out whether we can harness that acceleration to make things like hoverboards or clean energy. One of the most highly cited astrophysicists in the world, Tamara has been awarded many prizes; including the 2015 Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science by the Australian Academy of Science. She is a highly engaging speaker with a passion for playing ultimate Frisbee.



CAASTRO in the Classroom was started in 2012 as a collaborative project with support from CAASTRO, the New South Wales Office of Science and Medical Research, and the New South Wales Department of Education. Past session topics have included: special relativity, the structure of the universe, and curriculum revision for Senior Secondary school students.



ClickFest 2015

SciFest showcases science across Australia

ClickFest is an annual video conferencing festival run in November each year. ClickFest is an exciting initiative from education organisations across Australia. It highlights the diversity and scope of video conferences available to schools across Australia. Sessions are delivered free or at reduced cost to schools, providing a great opportunity for teachers to give it a go.

Topics and programs will vary over the month long video conferencing festival to provide flexibility for teachers and students. Each day multiple sessions will be available on a variety of topics from content providers around Australia.

SciFest showcases science across Australia

2 November

ClickFest – Meet Winny

Time: 9:30

The Australian Museum launches the 2015 ClickFest Video Conferencing Festival with Winny our Muttaburrasaurs. Come along to meet Winny to learn more about Australian Dinosaurs.

ClickFest – The Big Issue Classroom
Time: 10:00

The Big Issue Classroom is a social enterprise initiative of The Big Issue. Our online workshops provide students with a “real-life” insight into homelessness, marginalisation and disadvantage, as experienced by thousands of Australians every night.

ClickFest – Fascinating Fossils

Time: 10:30

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.

ClickFest – Geology Rocks

Time: 11:30

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.
ClickFest – Australian Giants
Time: 13:30

Giant animals from dinosaurs to megafauna have roamed the Australian continent at different times. Find out about some of these Australian giants. Look at fossils and learn what they tell us about these extraordinary animals. Life sized reproductions and models will help us visualise life in the past.

3 November

ClickFest – Minibeast Magnified

Time: 10:00

Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students, engaging them in real science in local environments.

ClickFest – Fascinating Frogs

Time: 11:00

Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.

4 November 2015

ClickFest – Minibeast Magnified

Time: 10:00

Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students, engaging them in real science in local environments.

ClickFest – Fascinating Frogs

Time: 11:00

Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.

Clickfest : Liquid Nitrogen – Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
Time: 14:00

Find out how solids, liquids and gases change when rapidly heated and cooled.Smash a squash ball! Shrink a balloon instantly! What happens to living things if they are frozen?How can Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion explain a liquid nitrogen sprinkler?

Clickfest: Free Primary PD Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development
Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

5 November 2015

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 9:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney. Through active participation students gain insight into the daily lives of convicts at the barracks and the importance of convict labour to the development of the new colony.

ClickFest – Museum Secrets Revealed

Time: 10:00

This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 11:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney.

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 13:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney. Through active participation students gain insight into the daily lives of convicts at the barracks and the importance of convict labour to the development of the new colony.

ClickFest – Fascinating Fossils

Time: 14:00

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.

6 November 2015

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 9:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney.

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 11:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney.

Clickfest: A Convict Story

Time: 13:30

Bring the convict story of Hyde Park Barracks Museum to your classroom with a virtual excursion! This theatrical presentation, woven together from historical source material, transports students back in time to learn about the life story of convict Ivan Gotney.

9 November 2015

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 9:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

ClickFest – Geology Rocks

Time: 9:30

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.

ClickFest – Fascinating Fossils

Time: 10:30

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 11:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW. The trooper has lots of stories to tell about his life in the bush and his exploits in bringing the bushrangers to justice.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 13:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW. The trooper has lots of stories to tell about his life in the bush and his exploits in bringing the bushrangers to justice.

10 November 2015

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 9:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

ClickFest – Minibeast Magnified

Time: 10:00

Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students, engaging them in real science in local environments.

ClickFest – Fascinating Frogs

Time: 11:00

Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 11:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW. The trooper has lots of stories to tell about his life in the bush and his exploits in bringing the bushrangers to justice.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 13:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

Clickfest – The Big Issue Classroom

Time: 14:00

The Big Issue Classroom is a social enterprise initiative of The Big Issue. Our online workshops provide students with a “real-life” insight into homelessness, marginalisation and disadvantage, as experienced by thousands of Australians every night.

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

11 November 2015

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 9:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

ClickFest – Minibeast Magnified

Time: 10:00

Minibeast Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important. Minibeast Magnified brings the world of invertebrates to your students, engaging them in real science in local environments.

ClickFest – Fascinating Frogs

Time: 11:00

Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 11:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW. The trooper has lots of stories to tell about his life in the bush and his exploits in bringing the bushrangers to justice.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 13:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

12 November 2015

ClickFest – Museum Secrets Revealed

Time: 10:00

This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.

ClickFest – Geology Rocks

Time: 13:00

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.

Clickfest : Human Body – Look at the major body systems and senses

Time: 14:00

Students look at major body systems and how the five senses work in this engaging workshop! Where is heat in your body conserved? How do the lungs work? Heart, kidneys, bones, liver and other vital organs are discussed.

ClickFest – Fascinating Fossils

Time: 14:00

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

13 November 2015

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 9:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

ClickFest – Geology Rocks

Time: 10:00

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 11:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW. The trooper has lots of stories to tell about his life in the bush and his exploits in bringing the bushrangers to justice.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 13:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

16 November 2015

Clickfest : K – 2 Science in Art

Time: 14:00

Explore chemistry in colourful art creations you can make in your class!  Your class participates in a number of activities as a series of group activities run in class during the video conference. Fizzics Education will provide information on the simple materials required prior to the event date.

17 November 2015

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

19 November 2015

Clickfest : Creative chemistry workshop

Time: 10:00

Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to students. Kitchen chemistry found at home, physical changes vs. chemical reactions, acids vs bases and indicators to detect them, acid rain, properties of solids, liquids and gases, UV light and glowing chemicals and energy changes.

Clickfest : Creative chemistry workshop

Time: 11:30

Designed to cover a broad range of chemical concepts that is accessible to students. Kitchen chemistry found at home, physical changes vs. chemical reactions, acids vs bases and indicators to detect them, acid rain, properties of solids, liquids and gases, UV light and glowing chemicals and energy changes.

20 November 2015

ClickFest – The Big Issue Classroom

Time: 14:00

The Big Issue Classroom is a social enterprise initiative of The Big Issue. Our online workshops provide students with a “real-life” insight into homelessness, marginalisation and disadvantage, as experienced by thousands of Australians every night.

23 November 2015

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

24 November 2015

Clickfest -Human Body… major body systems and senses

Time: 14:00

Students look at major body systems and how the five senses work in this engaging workshop!Where is heat in your body conserved? How do the lungs work? Heart, kidneys, bones, liver and other vital organs.

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

25 November 2015

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 9:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 11:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

Clickfest: Law of the Land: Troopers, Trackers and Bushrangers

Time: 13:30

In this virtual excursion your students will go back in time to the 1880s to share an hour in the life of a mounted trooper (played by a costumed interpreter) as he talks about the difficulties the police faced in overcoming the threat of bushrangers in NSW.

Clickfest: Stars and Planets

Time: 14:00

Students investigate our Universe and space exploration techniques in this hands-on workshop.What did the big bang really look like? How do stars work? What technological developments were necessary to allow astronauts to work and survive outside of Earth’s atmosphere?

26 November 2015

Clickfest: Weather and Pressure

Time: 09:30

What is air pressure? Why are low and high pressure areas important? How are clouds formed? What is our atmosphere made of anyway?What conditions are needed to cause tornadoes?

Clickfest: Weather and Pressure

Time: 11:30

Overview: Overview: What is air pressure? Why are low and high pressure areas important? How are clouds formed? What is our atmosphere made of anyway? What conditions are needed to cause tornadoes?

Clickfest: 4 Slimes in 30 minutes – Kitchen Chemistry fun!

Time: 14:00

4 slimes in 30 minutes…. how could you go wrong? Join Fizzics Education as we dive into kitchen chemistry in this fun yet educational workshop. Slimes we will investigate are – Non-newtonian fluid, Edible blood slime (gross), Soapy slime and Flubber

Clickfest: Free Primary TPL Session – Simple science experiments for Staff Development

Time: 15:30

Find out how your primary classroom can be transformed into an interactive science environment without breaking the bank. Learn how to use easily obtainable materials from the local shops to run hands-on experiments that cover chemistry, forces, light and sound.

27 November 2015

Clickfest : Science of Sound

Time: 9:30

What do sound waves look like? Do soundwaves always travel at the same speed? How does the Doppler effect work? What is resonance? How does a soundwave change with pitch and increasing volume.

Clickfest : Science of Sound

Time: 11:30

What do sound waves look like? Do soundwaves always travel at the same speed? How does the Doppler effect work? What is resonance? How does a soundwave change with pitch and increasing volume.

ClickFest – The Big Issue Classroom

Time: 14:00

The Big Issue Classroom is a social enterprise initiative of The Big Issue. Our online workshops provide students with a “real-life” insight into homelessness, marginalisation and disadvantage, as experienced by thousands of Australians every night.

Clickfest: 4 Slimes in 30 minutes – Kitchen Chemistry fun!

Time: 14:00

4 slimes in 30 minutes…. how could you go wrong? Join Fizzics Education as we dive into kitchen chemistry in this fun yet educational workshop. Slimes we will investigate are – Non-newtonian fluid, Edible blood slime (gross), Soapy slime and Flubber

30 November 2015

Clickfest : Light & Colour Science

Time: 9:30

Students learn about properties of light in this fun interactive workshop! Investigate rainbows using the visible light spectrum, plus learn about colour addition and subtractio, Mix creative colour changing chemical concoctions, see illusions and more.

ClickFest – The Big Issue Classroom

Time: 11:30

The Big Issue Classroom is a social enterprise initiative of The Big Issue. Our online workshops provide students with a “real-life” insight into homelessness, marginalisation and disadvantage, as experienced by thousands of Australians every night.

Clickfest : Light & Colour Science

Time: 11:30

Students learn about properties of light in this fun interactive workshop! Investigate rainbows using the visible light spectrum, plus learn about colour addition and subtractio, Mix creative colour changing chemical concoctions, see illusions and more.

Clickfest : Liquid Nitrogen – Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases

Time: 14:00

Find out how solids, liquids and gases change when rapidly heated and cooled.Smash a squash ball! Shrink a balloon instantly! What happens to living things if they are frozen?How can Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion explain a liquid nitrogen sprinkler?


Conference – reVEAl 2015

We are pleased to announce the Virtual Excursions Australia conference reVEAl on Tuesday 8 December. reVEAl will be FREE to all presenters and delegates.

VIC VEA group edit

ACMI in Victoria and the Australian Museum in NSW will be hosting the reVEAl. We will have presenters and delegates in each venue connected with via video conference. People can also dial into a single session or the whole conference.

The day is being designed to be fun, interactive and to provide networking opportunities for both teachers and content providers. There will be a variety of short sessions to provide something for everyone.

Content Provider Stream

9:15am – 9:30am          Arrival & registration
9:30am – 9:45am          reVEAl welcome
9:45am – 10:00am        Value of video conferencing for cultural institutions
10:00am –  10.15am    Techniques in presenting to camera
10:15am – 10:45am     Tech talk

Morning Tea

11:30am – 11:45am     How to help schools get comfortable with their equipment
11:45am – 12:15pm     Content provider experiences (the good, bad & ugly)
12:15pm – 12:30pm     Future directions all in discussion for content providers


School Showcase

2:00pm – 2:15pm        reVEAl welcome
2:15pm – 2:30pm        The value of video conferencing for schools
2:30pm – 2:45pm        Key Learning Area Experiences: STEM
2:45pm – 3:00pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  Arts & Culture

Afternoon Tea

4:00pm – 4:15pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  History
4:15pm – 4:30pm        Key Learning Area Experiences:  Sports & more
4:30pm – 4:40pm        Booking platforms in Australia
4:40pm – 5:00pm        Worldview
5:00pm – 5:30pm        Networking




Earth Science Week

Earth Science Week is celebrated from 11-17 October 2015. Join Virtual Excursions Australia to get involved in a week of down to earth fun!

Earth Science Week is an international celebration initiated and hosted by the American Geosciences Institute, promoting the importance of the geosciences to the community

ALIVE exhibition documentation

12 Oct

Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters.Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


13 Oct

Earth Science Week – Fascinating Fossils
Time: 9:30

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 9:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week – Geology Rocks
Time: 11:00

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 11:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


14 Oct

Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 9:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 11:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


15 Oct

Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 9:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


16 Oct

Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 9:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters. Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week – Fascinating Fossils
Time: 9:30

Fossils are fascinating reminders of life in ancient times and provide a window into the past. They can also reveal an amazing amount of information about extinct species and the ancient world. Step inside the shoes of a palaeontologist to use fossil material and modern animals to reconstruct some extinct Australian animals.


Earth Science Week – Geology Rocks
Time: 11:00

The Geology Rocks video conference will look at the dynamic earth forming processes. Students will learn about the layering of lava flows, see if rocks float and learn how to make a gas and find out about the rock cycle. You will also see real specimens and there will be opportunities to ask questions.


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 11:30

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters.Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week: Earthquakes, Volcanos, Meteors & more!
Time: 14:00

A hands-on science workshop where students investigate all manner of natural disasters.Your students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, meteorites, cyclones, pandemics and more in this engaging video conferencing workshop. Great for Earth Science Week!


Earth Science Week




Celebrating Biodiversity Month

Biodiversity Month is held in September each year and aims to promote the importance of protecting, conserving and improving biodiversity both within Australia and across the world.


The Manly Environment Centre presents a series of video conferences to celebrate Biodiversity Month.

The Manly Environment Centre (MEC) was set up as an action and education based environment centre promoting sustainable living practices through practical projects.


Tuesday 1 September

Biodiversity Month – Possums and their habitats

Time: 9:30am  & 11:30am

In support of Biodiversity Month, Manly Environment Centre is offering the opportunity for students to learn to learn about the importance of biodiversity in relation to possums and the environment in which they live.

Throughout the session students are encouraged to complete a range of creative and research based tasks and watch a number of educational videos in order to learn about biodiversity in Australia.

Friday 4 September

Biodiversity Month – Birds and their habitats
Time: 9:30am  & 11:30am

In support of Biodiversity month, students will undertake a number of creative and research based tasks throughout the session that encourage them to take a closer look at Biodiversity in Australia.

In this session, Manly Environment Centre is encouraging students to get involved and increase awareness about Australia’s unique ecosystems in relation to biodiversity by taking a close look at Australia’s bird life.

Monday 7 September

To recognise Threatened Species Day and Biodiversity Month the Australian Museum is offering video conferences on how you can find more about the animals living near you.

Fascinating Frogs

Time: 9.30am
Frogs play a key role in many food webs, both as predators and as prey. By observing frog populations, we can get a good indication of the condition of the environment as frogs are sensitive to environmental change.

Minibeasts Magnified

Time: 12.30pm

Minibeasts Magnified explores the exciting and diverse world of invertebrates. Students will learn how to identify common groups of invertebrates and why they are important.

Museum Secretes Revealed

Time: 2pm

This video conference provides a glimpse behind the scenes of Australia’s oldest natural history Museum. Become a detective and discover how scientists collect, preserve and display the many extraordinary specimens in their collection.

Tuesday 8 September

Threatened Species Day
Time: 9:30am  & 11:30am

In support of Threatened Species Day, Manly Environment Centre is encouraging students to learn about our endangered native wildlife and the things that they can do individually and as a class to help protect these animals and their habitats.

Tuesday 15 September

Biodiversity Month – Australia’s marine life & Sharks
Time: 9:30am  & 11:30am

In support of Biodiversity Month Manly Environment Centre is offering the opportunity for Stage 3 students to learn about biodiversity in Australia’s marine life.

With a particular focus on sharks, students will have the opportunity to view a variety of educational videos and participate in a number of tasks that encourage them to raise awareness about Australia’s Biodiversity.

Thursday 17 September

Fizzics Education presents sessions on Bees for Biodiversity Month.

Biodiversity month: What’s the buzz on bees?
Time: 10am

Discover the secret life of bees! During this workshop come up close and personal with bees as well as the tools used in bee keeping. Guided by a experienced bee keeper, you’ll learn why bees are so essential in pollination and how they contribute to the global economy.

Biodiversity month: What’s the buzz on bees?
Time: 11.30am

Discover the secret life of bees! During this workshop come up close and personal with bees as well as the tools used in bee keeping. Guided by a experienced bee keeper, you’ll learn why bees are so essential in pollination and how they contribute to the global economy.

Biodiversity month: What’s the buzz on bees?
Time: 2pm

Discover the secret life of bees! During this workshop come up close and personal with bees as well as the tools used in bee keeping. Guided by a experienced bee keeper, you’ll learn why bees are so essential in pollination and how they contribute to the global economy.


Find out more about how you can recognise Threatened Species Day and Biodiversity month

Biodiversity Month

Sleek Geeks Eureka Awards

Join the Sleek Geeks and the 2015 Eureka Awards finalists to view the winning films and hear from the students about how they developed and produced their films.

The Sleek Geeks are two of Australia’s best loved science broadcasters. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Adam Spencer mix science with humour as they set out to answer some of the perplexing scientific mysteries we encounter on a daily basis.

The University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize is offered to primary and high school students and encourages students with a passion for science and for communicating ideas to tell a scientific story using a short video.

This event will showcase some fascinating science, provide an insight into science communication and the insider tips might just help your students excel in next year’s competition. You and your students will also be able to tweet any questions you have for the winning students or Dr Karl and Adam Spencer through to @SLEEKGEEKS.

Dr Karl & Adam Spencer

The University of Sydney and the Sleek Geeks are looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

 Book now with DART Connections

See the website for more information on the Sleek Geek Eureka Prize
