Booking Hubs

There are a variety of ways to book and market your programs. Below are details of booking hubs where you can list your virtual excursion.

DART Connections

Connections is a project of the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC) unit Distance And Rural Technologies (DART). Connections provides and co-ordinates video conferencing excursions for DEC schools, TAFEs and non NSW DEC schools. Connections video conferencing excursions bring students and teachers face to face with experts across the globe. Our excursions are designed to enrich and supplement curriculum across all stages and key learning areas.


Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)

The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC), established in 1994 as a not-for-profit, specializing in the access to applications and the utilization of video conferencing for live interactive content and professional development, as well as web based collaborative learning environments for K-20 education. CILC provides consulting expertise in videoconferencing, integration, problem based learning projects, school-community partnerships and effective techniques for the delivery and development of quality programs.