Become a member of Virtual Excursions Australia to find out about upcoming events, training, get tech tips and join in the discussion on what worked and what didn’t. Be part of the Virtual Excursions Australia Network to help us develop a community of best practice for virtual excursions and online delivery.
The subscription fees cover the website domain, IT support, access to the VEA Zoom room and webinar, marketing and network meetings. The cost per organisation is $200.00 for the first year and $150.00 in following years. Content Providers can also submit blogs, videos and events for inclusion on the Virtual Excursions Australia website and social media platforms.
The subscription fee enables content providers the following:
- Organisation profile page
- Annual blog highlighting the provider
- Free access to use the VEA Zoom meetings (100 capacity) and webinars (500 capacity) rooms
- Promotion through the Virtual Excursions Australia social media platforms
- Virtual Excursions Australia newsletter
- Virtual Excursions Australia network meetings
You can use the link below if you want to pay now, otherwise email to request an invoice.
Events and Training
Web conferencing 101 essentials
Learn from Australia’s expert science engagement practitioners on getting your setup, technology and fail safe practice nailed in this 90 minute session. It will cover how to set up and deliver your event or program online, meeting security needs, what to avoid and how to create a professional, successful, engaging session for your audience.
Best practice in engaging audiences
Engaging your community with your STEAM event involves far more than watching a talking head. Learn how to make the most of your resources and talent and seek feedback to actively engage your audience and appropriately target online programs that community audiences will want to participate in. Evaluate your success and iterate!
Partnering for impact
Extend the reach of your online program beyond your own community by partnering and finding creative ways to promote what you are offering. Think big as you identify how to deliver maximum value to your audience. The pandemic lockdown has seen some incredible innovations, from facetime portraiture to global art challenges and couch choirs. Develop your ideas and learn from other successful programs, discover what works best in bringing big events online to life.
2021 Conference
To wrap up 2021 Virtual Excursions Australia put together some international and local speakers to talk about technology, delivery styles and provide insight into online learning in 2021. Janet Zanetis from the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration talks about the U.S. experience with interactive virtual learning. Seth Fleischauer and Travis Moyer from Banyan Global Learning provide some great tips for creating engaging distance learning experiences. Bonnie Tratt from DART Learning provides insight into the transition to online learning for many students and teachers in 2021.
Outdoor Education training video
Danielle and Liana from Sydney Olympic Park shared their experiences with outdoor delivery. We got some great insight on how they transitioned their onsite field study programs to accommodate online delivery. It is also encouraging to see that these virtual excursions are now part of the suite of education programs they offer to schools. If you missed the session or would like to go over the content, you have access to the Webinar recording below.