Sleek Geeks Eureka Awards

Join the Sleek Geeks and the 2015 Eureka Awards finalists to view the winning films and hear from the students about how they developed and produced their films.

The Sleek Geeks are two of Australia’s best loved science broadcasters. Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Adam Spencer mix science with humour as they set out to answer some of the perplexing scientific mysteries we encounter on a daily basis.

The University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize is offered to primary and high school students and encourages students with a passion for science and for communicating ideas to tell a scientific story using a short video.

This event will showcase some fascinating science, provide an insight into science communication and the insider tips might just help your students excel in next year’s competition. You and your students will also be able to tweet any questions you have for the winning students or Dr Karl and Adam Spencer through to @SLEEKGEEKS.

Dr Karl & Adam Spencer

The University of Sydney and the Sleek Geeks are looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

 Book now with DART Connections

See the website for more information on the Sleek Geek Eureka Prize

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